
If you have stained, gapped, or misaligned teeth, a variety of cosmetic procedures have the power to transform your smile. Dental veneers are a popular form of treatment made from porcelain compounds and bonded to the front of teeth to conceal aesthetic flaws. If you’re unsure whether this procedure is right for you, the skilled dentists at the office of Dr. David K. Skeels in Rochester, NY, are happy to discuss the advantages of dental veneers.

3 Reasons to Transform Your Smile With Dental Veneers

1. They’re Low-Maintenance

veneersWhile you are still required to practice a diligent oral hygiene routine of brushing and flossing daily, one of the main benefits of dental veneers is that they require little to no maintenance. High-quality porcelain veneers are also incredibly durable—they last from 12 to 25 years and are stain-resistant.

2. They Correct a Variety of Aesthetic Issues

Whether you have fractured or discolored teeth, dental veneers are a viable solution for a wide range of dental aesthetic issues. They can correct gapped or chipped teeth, or serve as a replacement for braces if the misalignment is only minor.

3. They Blend in With Your Natural Teeth

Veneers can completely transform your smile as they blend in seamlessly with the rest of your natural teeth. Before your dentist begins the procedure, they will match the veneers to the shade of your own teeth. Once in place, a dental professionals will shape and polish them until they fit in with their neighbors.

If you are looking to schedule a dental veneer treatment and want to work with a trusted cosmetic dentist, turn to the team at Dr. David K. Skeels in Rochester, NY. The premier dental practice offers everything from tooth implants and dental crowns to tooth extractions. Call (585) 467-7000 to make an appointment or visit their website for more information.
