
Most patients seek chiropractic treatment for neck or back pain, muscle tightness, and the pressure they feel on their spine. When it is time to have the first adjustment appointment, they may be surprised to hear a popping noise and wonder why this occurs. This sound is a regular part of the process and indicates the release of tension in the back. Learn more in the guide below about why cracking happens during chiropractic care and how it benefits a patient’s overall wellness.

Popping During Chiropractic Treatment 

Why Popping Noises Occur 

Cincinnati-Chiropractic-TreatmentThe fluid located inside your spinal joints provides natural lubrication. This liquid also creates small amounts of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide gas. When these gases escape from the fluid, bubbles begin to form. As your chiropractor adjusts your spine, your joint stretches at a rapid rate. This fast modification creates a cracking sound when the gas bubbles begin to pop.

Why It Relieves Neck & Back Pain 

After the pop occurs, your back may feel more loose or mobile due to the release of pressure and extra space created by the broken bubbles. The result is a natural reduction of the tightness and misalignment in your neck or back. 

Many patients enjoy the popping sound and feel better after the gas is released because it also gives off natural endorphins. A quick addition of extra endorphins in your body make your nervous system calmer and also helps relieve discomfort. If your muscles are still sore afterward, your practitioner may recommend massage therapy as a supplement to your chiropractic treatment to relax tense tissues and provide additional pain relief.  


Eastern Hills Chiropractic in Cincinnati, OH, is committed to providing unparalleled care for your neck and back. Their adjustments can provide you with pain relief and help you achieve long-term wellness. If you have back pain, let Dr. Haumesser create a customized chiropractic treatment plan for you. Call (513) 528-2200 or request an appointment on their website
