
Modern heating systems provide several ways for you to get your heat. When you turn up the thermostat, your room may be warmed by an old-fashioned radiator, hot air from a system of vents, or a radiant floor heating system. Floor heating provides several advantages the other options can’t, making it a popular choice in both newly constructed and remodeled homes.

How It Works

A floor heating system relies on a series of thin pipes running underneath your flooring. Hot water flows through these pipes, warming your floor from beneath. Then the water circulates back to the water heater to go through the system again, providing continuous heat.


Better Distribution

Floor Heating SystemWhen you rely on a single radiator or vent to heat a room, certain parts of the room will be warmer or colder depending on the positioning of the heating system and the air flow through the space. But with radiant floor heating systems, the entire floor of each room produces heat. This creates a cozy, comfortable atmosphere you’ll love.

Targeted Warmth

When you install radiant heating, the whole home isn’t heated at once. Instead, the heat is divided into zones that can be controlled independently. If only one area of the home really needs heat, you can turn it on there and leave the rest of the house off—or turn it all on if family and guests are scattered through the home.


Because you can efficiently control the distribution of warmth in your home, you’ll save money on heating. After installation, your heating bills can drop by as much as 30%.

A radiant floor heating system is the most efficient and modern way to warm your home. It is less expensive than traditional options while providing better comfort and flexibility. Talk to your local HVAC contractor today about installing radiant heating, and make your home more comfortable than ever this winter.


Denning Sheet Metal in Columbia Falls, MT, has provided heating and cooling repairs and installations throughout the area for over 40 years. If you’re having problems with an air conditioner, furnace, floor heating system, or other HVAC equipment, they can make your home comfortable again in no time. To schedule service, call them at (406) 892-0111 or send a message online.
