
Fall is the perfect time to relax in your backyard or entertain guests. If you’re interested in revamping your deck or upgrading your backyard patio area before winter arrives, the staff at The Gardener in Columbia, MO, wants to share a few budget-friendly tips with you. Fresh landscaping and a few decorative touches can go a long way, and with some basic improvements, you can completely transform your outdoor living space.

Backyard Deck Ideas to Match Your Budget

1. Hanging Planters

If rebuilding your deck is out of the question, artistic landscaping can accomplish just as much. If you’re low on soil space, there are plenty of above-ground ways to introduce greenery. Hanging planter walls are perfect for attaching to your railing. These low-maintenance and cost-effective planters are easy to install, and by adding the right combination of year-round plants, you’ll keep your yard vibrant into the cooler months. 

2. Refinishing

deckIf you’re happy with your deck but feel like it’s showing its age, adding a fresh stain can fully revitalize it. Stains and sealants are extremely budget-friendly, and there are a variety of ways to mix and match colors. Focus on your patio furniture, landscaping, and home exterior colors. 

3. Stay on the Ground

Some owners are opting for paved areas instead of decks. This is a cost-effective option, and materials come in a variety of natural stones and wood. For those looking for something more dynamic, multilevel ground decks add character and are perfect for housing different landscaping features.

If you’re interested in upgrading your backyard spaces and landscaping, turn to The Gardener. They offer comprehensive gardening and landscaping services and will help you create an outdoor paradise. Call (573) 446-0802 today to speak with their staff and visit their website and Facebook to learn more about their services.
