
As the chilly weather blows in and you crank up the heat in your home, you’re likely to begin to see a bump in your utility bill. Depending on your location, going without heat altogether may not be an option, but luckily there are ways to help save on heat energy this winter. Hufford Heating and Air Conditioning has helped home and business owners in Milford, OH, reduce their heating costs, while still feeling comfortable in their homes, for over 65 years. Below, this team of experts offers some of their top tips to help you cut down utility costs this season.

5 Ways to Save Money on Utility Costs This Winter

1. Dress Warm

heatWhile you shouldn’t have to wear your winter coat to stay warm inside, dressing in comfortable layers can be a great way to reduce heating costs. Since heat escapes through your feet, wearing socks or slippers around your house can also help you feel comfortable without needing to touch the thermostat.

2. Only Use What You Need

Only use your heater when you need it will also cut down on heating costs. It can be easy to forget to turn it off before you leave a room, run out to the store, or go to sleep, yet this small oversight can cost you in unnecessary charges at the end of the month.

3. Reassess Your Laundry Routine

When possible, washing your clothes on the cold water cycle is an excellent way to cut down heat costs in a big way—more than $100 per year in some cases. You can tack on even more savings by choosing the shortest cycle and holding off on doing laundry until you have a full load.

4. Focus on Efficiency

There are several small ways to increase your energy efficiency around your home that require very little effort and can also reduce your utility bill. One easy example is to turn your fridge to the recommended setting, rather than cranking it up to the chilliest temperature possible. Another helpful tip is to replace traditional light bulbs with energy-efficient CFL and LED alternatives.

5. Unplug Unused Devices

Any device around your home that is plugged in but not in use is costing you money in unnecessary energy costs. This includes cell phone chargers, toasters, coffee makers, and lamps. Make up for your increased heat costs by unplugging these items when not in use, or at the very least, investing in power strips that can easily be flipped on and off as needed.

In need of an HVAC system repair or consultation? The team at Hufford Heating and Air Conditioning has decades of experience keep Milford residents’ HVAC systems running smoothly all year long. Visit them online to learn more about their heating and cooling services, or give their friendly, reliable staff a call at (513) 683-2040 to request a quote today.
