
Your peripheral nervous system is one of the most important communication networks in your body. When damaged, it can cause numerous crippling health issues. Known as peripheral neuropathy, this condition — according to the staff at Spectrum Healthcare in Cornelia, GA — affects nearly all aspects of the body. However, many patients aren’t aware they have it because symptoms are easy to misplace with other injuries, making it all the more important to understand this condition.

What Is Peripheral Neuropathy?

The peripheral nervous system is responsible for transmitting information between the central nervous system and every other part of the body. Peripheral neuropathy occurs when this system is damaged. The body has difficulty transmitting sensory messages, and it can affect everything from motion to organ function.

What Are Some Causes?

peripheral-neuropathyPeripheral neuropathy can occur for several reasons. Trauma — such as crushing or putting immense pressure on nerves — is the most common, followed by inflammation caused by other injuries, such as carpal tunnel syndrome. It can also accompany other health conditions, such as autoimmune disorders, cancer, and infections in nerve tissue. In rarer cases, alcohol abuse and medication- and environmental-based toxins can have the same effect.

What Are Symptoms?

There is a large array of symptoms for each patient, but peripheral neuropathy is best identified by the larger, global effects. Muscle weakness, cramps, and atrophy are extremely common, as muscles often can’t function properly. There may also be difficulty with sensory responses. Patients may have trouble with reflexes as well as transmitting touching sensations. This can also have a counter-effect where even the lightest touch can cause chronic pain. When organs are affected, patients may experience dizziness from poor circulation as well as gastrointestinal pain.

How Is It Treated?

Peripheral neuropathy is a manageable disease. Peripheral nerves can regenerate, but you’ll need to make lifestyle changes, including optimizing your diet and exercising. This will help with muscle strength, decreasing inflammation, and improving mobility. For pain management, it’s also helpful to work with a chiropractor. Treatment programs are highly specialized, but with dedication, this condition can be overcome.

If you’re suffering from regular pain, turn to the staff at Spectrum Healthcare. They offer comprehensive chiropractic, physical therapy, and massage therapy services and are committed to helping patients overcome their health issues. Call (706) 778-0077 today to schedule an appointment, and visit their website and Facebook to learn more.
