
Cavities occur when too much plaque and bacteria build up on your teeth and eat away at the enamel. If left untreated, this can cause discomfort and even loss of the tooth entirely. The best way to treat a cavity is to prevent them from happening altogether. To do this, Athens Family Dental, a top dentist in Athens, GA, has shared their top tips on excellent oral health.

Here are nine methods to keep your smile free from cavities: 

  • Brush Twice Daily: You may have heard this one before. We are all taught by our dental clinic to brush at least twice every single day. This is because it is so incredibly important and effective! This act effectively removes harmful sugars, acids, and bacteria from your teeth, gums, and tongue.

  • cavitiesFloss Every Day: The bristles of your toothbrush cannot reach every crevice. That's where floss comes in handy. Doing so daily gets in hard-to-reach areas and removes plaque buildup.

  • Invest in Mouthwash: Mouthwash should be the final step in your oral health routine. The tingling sensation means it is fighting off bacteria, sanitizing your mouth, and, of course, giving you fresh breath.

  • Chew Gum: Enjoy a piece of sugar-free chewing gum after a meal. This helps your mouth produce more saliva, which clears away food particles and helps protect your chompers.

  • cavities Take a Bite of Cheese: Nibbling on cheese is an underrated way to prevent cavities from forming. Because they are full of calcium, they help keep your enamel strong and clear away bacteria.

  • Pass on the Coffee: Morning coffee is a treat. However, it can do more harm than good. The acids in your drink cover your teeth and cause small amounts of decay. Likewise, regular drinkers are more likely to have a darkened or stained smile.

  • Fluoride Is Your Friend: Fluoride helps strengthen the enamel of your tooth, which plays a huge role in preventing cavities. Opt for toothpaste that includes the ingredient; likewise, drink plenty of fluoride-rich water.

  • cavitiesDrink Through a Straw: If you absolutely have to have your coffee, use a straw to drink. This will guide the liquid straight to the back of your mouth. If the coffee does not touch your teeth, it is less likely to harm them.

  • Visit a Professional: One of the best ways to prevent cavities is to regularly visit your dentist. Consider having a sealant placed over your teeth. This acts as a barrier against buildup and bacteria.

By adhering to these tips, your teeth will be healthier and your smile more radiant. If a cavity pops up, visit Athens Family Dental. Whether you need simple teeth cleaning or a tooth extraction, the experts have over 25 years of experience. They have committed themselves to providing exceptionally high-quality services while maintaining their affordable nature. For more information, visit the website or call (706) 548-3279. 
