
Renting a dumpster is a great solution for your business’s waste management. But unless you’ve done it before, it can be difficult to gauge the correct size. Southeast Waste Disposal in Ozark, AL, provides four dumpster size options to their clients across Dale, Coffee, Henry, Pike, Covington, Houston and Geneva Counties. Sizes are measured in yards, and the experts offer the following advice for anyone choosing a size.

2 Yards

Southeast Waste Disposal’s two-yard dumpster measures 36 x 72 x 40.5 inches, enough for about 14 trash bags worth of garbage. If your work is mostly digital or you have a small office, this is a good option. 

4 Yards

With twice the volume of the two-yard model, this 54 x 72 x 48.5 dumpster is good for about 28 trash bags. That’s enough for a small business or restaurant.

6 Yards

Dumpster72 x 72 x 60 inches provides enough room for about 42 bags of trash. This is a good choice for a larger business or an apartment complex.

8 Yards

This is Southeast Waste Disposal’s largest size at 80 x 72 x 72 inches. It’s a good option for businesses generating high volumes of trash during day to day operations, such as restaurants.

Choosing the right size of dumpster for your needs saves you hassle and money. If you still aren’t sure which size is right for your business, call Southeast Waste Disposal today. They’ll help you choose a dumpster which is perfect for your business. You can reach them at (334) 774-4158 or through their website.
