
Due to the connotation of the term “root canal,” many patients are nervous about how painful this common oral surgery will be. Luckily, advancements in modern dentistry and anesthetics have made the procedure much more comfortable. Read on for more information about root canals, how your dentist will soothe your pain, and what you can do to prevent discomfort. 

A Guide to Root Canal Pain

Are Root Canals Painful? 

oral surgeryWhen a tooth is damaged due to untreated decay or dental trauma, its inner nerves and pulp can become infected and inflamed, causing a significant amount of pain and pressure. The goal of a root canal is to remove this infected inner pulp and disinfect the interior of the tooth while preserving the root.

Before the procedure, your dentist will use powerful local anesthetics to numb the tooth, the surrounding tissues, and your jaw. Some dentists also employ nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas,” which provides pain relief and helps patients relax. 

Because dental infections are so painful, most patients endure more pain in the days leading up to their root canal than during the procedure itself. Additionally, since the nerves inside of the tooth are removed during a root canal, patients are usually much more comfortable after the procedure is complete. 

What Can You Do to Prevent Pain? 

One of the best things you can do to prevent pain during oral surgery is to communicate effectively with your doctor. Tell them how bad your tooth hurts and describe your perceived pain threshold. Studies have shown that when dentists understand their patients’ pain levels, they are more effective at resolving their discomfort through anesthetics. 


Has one of your teeth been bothering you? Oral Surgery Associates of Alaska can help by diagnosing the problem, providing effective treatments, and monitoring your recovery. These Anchorage, AK-based oral surgeons have the skills and experience to protect your teeth with professionalism and compassion. For more information about how they can help you, visit the website or call (907) 561-1430.
