
The cold temperatures and winter conditions may currently be keeping you indoors, but spring is still just a month away, and soon you’ll be driving with your windows rolled down. But before you hit the sunlit road, it’s important to make sure your vehicle is adequately prepared for spring’s arrival. Mr. Transmission is dedicated to keeping you safe on Cincinnati’s roads, and will provide the necessary transmission maintenance and car repairs to ensure that you have a seamless experience every time you take a seat behind the wheel.

You often hear about the importance of preparing your car for winter’s wrath, but you may overlook the fact that spring requires certain preparations as well, mainly because winter doles out a considerable beating for your car. Since road conditions tend to be abysmal during winter, you should check your wheel alignment once the snow and ice melt away. This will allow your vehicle to handle properly, and will also ensure that your tires don’t prematurely wear out. Speaking of your tires, you should also examine the tread, as winter roads are anything but gentle on your tires.

Once the exterior of your vehicle has been examined, pop the hood to make sure your battery is intact, and the engine fluid is full. You should also get your oil changed, as this will guarantee that your vehicle runs smoothly during the springtime; this is especially important for the health of your engine, as you'll likely be driving a bit faster than you were during the winter months.  

Since your vehicle tends to take a beating in winter, it’s important to examine both the interior and exterior to make sure that no lasting damage has been done. If you need assistance getting your car ready for spring, the experts at Mr. Transmission in Cincinnati will keep you safe behind the wheel. Visit these transmission professionals online, or call (513) 769-3111 for more information.
