
Even though vape shops have been around for years, and e-cigs are proven to be a healthier alternative to tobacco cigarettes, there are still dozens of myths in circulation about their use. The owners of A Perfect Vape in Colorado Springs have found that the most common beliefs their customers have about using vapor devices are actually untrue.

Common E-Cig Myths

Myth: E-Cigs Are Just as Bad for You as Cigarettes

Many people believe that e-liquids are just as bad for you, or even worse, than the contents of a cigarette; however, according to the Royal College of Physicians, that’s just not true. While some e-liquids do contain nicotine, there are many options that contain none. Tobacco cigarettes, on the other hand, not only contain nicotine but many other harmful chemicals that make them worse to smoke.

Myth: E-Cigs Are Explosive

You may have heard of several cases where an e-cig exploded during use; however, this likely occurred because the user tried to modify their vape device or was carrying a battery in their pocket or purse without a case. This can also happen if the user doesn’t follow the instructions and safety guidelines provided by vape device manufacturers. As long as the product is being used properly, it’s not explosive.

Myth: Secondhand E-Cig Vapor Is Just as Harmful as Cigarette Smoke

vaping e-cigSince cigarettes contain so many harmful chemicals in addition to tobacco, the secondhand smoke is harmful to those around the smoker. E-liquid, on the other hand, doesn’t contain these harmful ingredients and many don’t even include tobacco. It’s for this reason that the vapor produced by an e-cigarette isn’t as harmful when it’s used around other people. According to this study, secondhand vapor is less harmful than exhaled breath.

Myth: Using a Vape Pen Is More Costly

On the contrary; the cost of vape juice will vary depending on what brand is being used and tends to cost much less than cigarettes. While there is a fee associated with converting to e-cigs, the e-liquid is typically cheaper in the long run.

Myth: Tobacco Cigarettes Are Less Addictive

The addictive element of both cigarettes and e-cigs is the nicotine. Since e-cigs provide more options for those who vape, the amount of nicotine being consumed is ultimately up to the smoker. There are also many nicotine-free options for vape users, which can make them far less addictive than tobacco cigarettes.

Located in Southern Colorado, the experts at A Perfect Vape are available to answer any questions you might have about the safety and contents of using vape juice by calling (719) 358-6641. More information on the products they offer can be found on their website.
