
As the day of your procedure draws closer, your surgery center should explain in detail how to prepare. Pre-operative care instructions may vary, but there are a few important guidelines everyone should follow. Island Hospital in Anacortes, WA, is a local provider of high-level surgical services. Here, they answer some frequently asked questions about getting ready for invasive treatments to give you peace of mind.

5 Surgery Center Preparedness FAQs 

Is All Surgical Preparation the Same? 

Preparing for your surgery will depend on the type of procedure you are having. You may also need to take special precautions, depending on your age or medical history. However, there are some general guidelines almost every patient follows, like fasting beforehand and having pre-operative blood work. If you are concerned about how to prepare for your operation, talk to your doctor. 

What If I Have Concerns About My Surgery?  

Surgery CenterIf you have concerns about your readiness or the surgery itself, do not hesitate to call your specialist. Addressing your questions about anesthesia or post-operative recovery before you arrive at the hospital will relieve anxiety and ensure you are prepared for the treatment. Knowing what to expect and how to be ready is the best way to make surgery day smoother. 

Do I Need to Stop My Medications? 

Your doctor will tell you if you should take your medication before surgery or when you should stop it. Do not forget to tell them about each prescribed drug you take, even if it is not related to the treatment. They should also be aware if you had a bad reaction to anesthesia, penicillin, or any other medicine in the past. If you need to take additional prescriptions to prepare, your physician will outline this in your pre-operative care instructions. 

What Should I Bring to Surgery? 

In most cases, patients should bring their insurance card, identification, and a complete list of medication and related test results. It is also recommended to bring pajamas or a nightgown. Fill an overnight bag with comfortable clothes, slippers, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant. Leave jewelry and valuables at home. 

How Can I Ready Myself? 

Take care of yourself physically and mentally. The stronger your body is, the better prepared you will be for the procedure and rehabilitation. Get plenty of sleep, reduce stressors, and eat a healthy diet. Learn relaxation techniques, like deep breathing or meditation, to help you stay calm. 

Every experienced surgical team knows preparation is important for a successful procedure and rapid recovery. Thankfully, there are a variety of ways you can ready yourself. To discuss your treatment and pre-operative care with a qualified surgery center, call Island Hospital in Anacortes, WA, at (855) 440-4200. You can also learn more about their surgical services for patients of all ages by visiting their website
