
The holiday season is the time to celebrate festive traditions with loved ones. But if you’re not careful, it can be easy to get caught up in the excitement and hurt yourself. To avoid back pain this year, the professionals at North Pole Chiropractic, the leading family care practice in Alaska, are here to recommend some preventative steps you can take.

3 Simple Tips to Help You Fend Off Back Pain During the Holidays

1. Shop Online

back painShopping for gifts is a typical holiday pastime; however, carrying around heavy bags can put a serious strain on your back. Consider making the majority of your purchases online for the convenience of having the packages delivered directly to your door. If you prefer going to the store, break your shopping list into smaller, individual trips.

2. Take Breaks When Cooking

Whether you’re baking Christmas cookies or a holiday meal, it’s important to plan and prep some of the dishes ahead of time so you don’t save everything for the day of. While cooking, take breaks every half hour so you have a minute or two to rest your feet.

3. Be Careful When Lifting

If you’re lifting boxes to move under the tree, be careful with how you pick them up. Instead of bending over, squat down to use your legs for additional support when picking boxes up off the floor. 

Don’t allow neck or back pain to put a damper on your time with family this holiday season. Instead, turn to the talented chiropractors at North Pole Chiropractic in North Pole, AK, for comprehensive care and pain relief. Call (907) 488 -1885 to schedule an appointment or visit their website for more information about their full list of services, including spinal alignments and posture correction. 
