
Many people experience a great deal of anxiety upon learning that they need to undergo a root canal. Knowing what to do beforehand can help soothe any fears related to this common dental procedure, which is why Charles P. Debbane, DDS, offers patients the information they need to be fully prepared. Along with Laura M. Arnold, DDS, this respected Hamilton dentist provides a wide range of services, from routine teeth cleaning to comprehensive procedures involving dental surgery.  

Ask Your Dentist About Medications

Your dentist may need to prescribe antibiotics before the procedure if your tooth is infected. In this case, understand the instructions for taking such medications to ensure the best possible results. You may also want to take some ibuprofen just before the root canal to minimize swelling. Again, it’s important to get your dentist’s input on the matter to ensure you are prepared for the surgery.

Refrain From Smoking or Drinking Alcohol

dentistYou should also refrain from smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol before the procedure. In terms of smoking, many dentists recommend stopping at least 72 hours before the root canal to avoid any potential complications. As far as drinking, it’s best to refrain at least 24 hours before you find yourself in the dental chair, as alcohol consumption can affect the healing process.

Eat a Hardy Meal

It’s also recommended that you eat a hardy and fulfilling meal before your procedure. You won’t be able to eat for a while after the surgery, so it’s important you go into it fully nourished to keep your energy up. While you’ll be able to eat once the anesthetic wears off, you will be relegated to soft foods until the surgical site has healed.

Charles P. Debbane, DDS and the staff are dedicated to providing effective dental treatments to ensure your smile remains bright and healthy. Arrange an appointment with a skilled and compassionate dentist by calling (513) 887-6654. You can also learn more about the full range of dental procedures available to Hamilton patients, including emergency dental care, by visiting the website.
