
Advancements in medical technology have made diagnostic imaging an essential player in the prevention, detection, and treatment of cancer. Magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound imaging, and x-ray imaging are just a few of the tools that healthcare providers can rely on when it comes to combatting cancer in their patients. Below, the knowledgeable team at Hudson Valley Imaging in Monroe, NY, explores how imaging is a key component in the fight against cancer.

Diagnostic Imaging & Its Role in the War on Cancer


When it comes to certain kinds of cancer, early detection is essential for a positive prognosis. Since cancer can develop and even metastasize without manifesting any symptoms for some time, healthcare providers recommend regular cancer screenings for at-risk patients. For example, experts recommend women over the age of 40  undergo periodic mammograms, and both men and women should get their first colonoscopy by the age of 50.

Detection & Diagnosisdiagnostic imaging

If your doctor identifies any abnormalities during a regular screening, further diagnostic imaging can provide additional information so an accurate diagnosis can be made. For example, modern imaging technology can reveal details regarding the size and location of the abnormalities, allowing your provider can determine the best way to proceed.


After administering radiation or chemotherapy, healthcare providers need some way to track the treatment modality’s progress. This can be done with diagnostic imaging. Regular scans will ultimately provide information regarding the approach’s efficacy and confirm whether it is working or another approach needs to be implemented.

If you are in need of reliable and accurate medical imaging, turn to Hudson Valley Imaging in Monroe, NY.  The certified technologists and professional staff at Hudson Valley Imaging will guide you through the steps necessary to ensure that your visit is comfortable, efficient and pleasant. Check out their website to learn more about their services, or call (845) 220-2222 to make an appointment today. 
