
While it can be fun to frolic in the snow with your pet, it’s important to practice special care during cold weather. The staff at Tender Care Animal Hospital in Prairie Du Chien, WI, advises that, just like with humans, the weather can heavily impact your pet’s well-being. To ensure you take proper care, they want to share some veterinarian-approved do’s and don’ts. These will keep your pet happy and healthy until the warmer weather returns.


1. Focus On Paw Care

Ice and snow pose a painful risk to your pet’s paws. Check for ice that may have become lodged between their footpads and look for any snow salt and chemicals they may have picked up. If you notice anything, clean each paw thoroughly, and look for cuts or cracks. You can prevent many issues by keeping the hair around the paws trimmed, so visit your veterinarian if you need help cutting.

2. Bundle Up

veterinarianShort-haired breeds need extra protection outdoors, so don’t be afraid to go clothes shopping for them. Choosing a warm sweater or an insulated walking harness will ensure they maintain a safe core temperature. If you notice them shivering, move them inside immediately.

3. Visit the Veterinarian

Before the coldest temperatures arrive, take your pet to the veterinarian for an exam. The cold weather can cause significant changes in their bodies, and it’s important for your veterinarian to make sure they aren’t at risk of developing anything when the temperatures drop.


1. Keep Your Pet Outside

If you live in areas with extremely low temperatures, even short-term exposure can be fatal for your pet. They should all be moved inside, especially at night, to ensure their safety. If your pet is traditionally kept outside, make plans in advance to create a comfortable space for them in your home.

2. Stop Grooming

It may seem like removing your dog’s hair is counterproductive to their coat keeping them warm. However, it’s the quality of the coat—not the quantity. Continue regular pet grooming throughout the winter months to keep their fur in top shape and ensure they’re warm.

3. Leave Them Unattended

Many new dangers arise with the cold weather, which is why even the most obedient pets shouldn’t be left alone. They may consume toxic chemicals like antifreeze or snow salts, injure themselves on ice, or not recognize their surroundings and wander off.

If you need pet care before the cold weather, turn to the professionals at Tender Care Animal Hospital. They offer comprehensive services and will ensure your pet is prepared to make it through the winter months. Call (608) 326-7101 to schedule an appointment with a veterinarian, and visit their website to learn more about their services.
