
Do you have yard drainage issues? Whether it’s a series of puddles in the yard or a stray runoff along the driveway, it’s important not to put solving this problem off for too long. According to Columbia Tree & Lawn Service of Howard County, MD, melting snow and ice are two of the main culprits for erosion and will leave your property looking worse for wear if water flow solutions aren’t implemented until spring. Below, they discuss the top three remedies that are recommended to prevent this from happening.

3 Yard Drainage Solutions to Implement This Fall

1. French Drain

If you’re looking for a repair that doesn’t leave a large pipe exposed anywhere on the property, a French drain may be right for you. A trench will be dug along the new runoff route and a perforated pipe installed to direct the water flow. Small rocks and gravel are then placed within the trench to disguise the pipe and create an attractive appearance.

2. Slope Adjustment

yard drainageFor a simpler solution that doesn’t involve spreading rocks throughout the yard, professionals usually suggest performing a slope adjustment. This takes into consideration the current grade of your property and determines how much needs to be cut out to divert the water away from the house. Once the correction has been made, you can choose to reseed and fertilize the lawn to produce a seamless look with the grass that’s already there.

3. Retaining Wall

Properties that are located on a sharp hill may require a different approach to yard drainage issues. Instead of digging a new trench or adjusting the slope, a retaining wall may be the best way to rectify the situation. These structures are constructed in a layered design and help direct the water flow along other paths that won’t be as affected by erosion.

If you find yourself in need of landscaping assistance, set up an appointment with the experts at Columbia Tree & Lawn Service. They have over 40 years of experience as a licensed yard and tree service and specialize in providing their clients with the finest water flow solutions in the industry. To receive an estimate on a future yard drainage project, call (410) 740-5444. Visit their website for additional information on this locally owned company.
