
When doctors are unable to assess your health through physical exams or clinical samples, medical imaging may provide the in-depth look they need. Imaging tools—such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans—produce impressively accurate pictures of internal tissues and organs, allowing health specialists to make diagnoses based on the results. Providing a wide range of specialized care services at their clinics in Oregon’s Mid-Willamette Valley, Santiam Hospital highlights three incredible benefits of diagnostic imaging.

3 Reasons Why Diagnostic Imaging is an Important Health Tool

1. Improves Surgery Safety

diagnostic imagingWhen patients visit the emergency room and require surgery, diagnostic imaging can provide a fast look inside to show where the problems are. These immediate results allow surgeons to make quick life-saving decisions and make sure that all problem areas are addressed during an emergency procedure. Without medical imaging, surgeons would have to resort to exploratory surgery to pinpoint the source of the emergency—a strategy that could cause more damage to the patient in the long run.

2. Discovers Cancer Risks

Physical symptoms of cancer don’t always show up in the early stages of the disease, making it hard for doctors to determine what type of treatment a patient needs. However, by undergoing routine screening tests—such as mammograms—people can catch cancer early and receive the treatment they need to heal.  

3. Targets Treatment

Diagnostic imaging can do a lot more than simply identify the presence of cancer—it can help doctors refine treatment of the disease. For example, radiation and chemotherapy are both incredible solutions that can help kill cancer cells.

However, these beneficial treatments also damage healthy parts of the body in the process, making it much harder for patients to recover. When doctors are able to see exactly where the cancer is and how it is responding to treatment, they can minimize the treatment area to reduce damage to the rest of the body.

If you require diagnostic imaging in the Mid-Willamette Valley region of Oregon, Santiam Hospital is equipped with the skilled radiologists and advanced technology to provide you with the accurate results you need. Visit this health center online to learn more about their patient-centered care and clinic locations. To schedule an appointment, call a friendly representative at (503) 769-2175.
