
You work hard to make your landscaping look beautiful during the spring and summer, but now it’s time to get your yard ready for winter. The team at Wilson Garden Center Inc. Landscaping & Tree Service in Hamilton, OH, can help you prepare for the colder months ahead. Their team has the products and expertise to ensure your trees and plants will come back strong in the spring.

4 Ways Experts Can Winterize Your Landscaping

Protect the Roots

Winter weather can be very wet, and the moisture might cause erosion to your garden beds. Landscaping professionals recommend you add a layer of mulch around your trees and plants to protect the ground and insulate their roots from the cold. Depending on the product you choose, a layer of mulch also will add nutrients to the soil to help your plants stay healthy.

Clear the Irrigation System

If your yard has an underground irrigation or automatic sprinkler system, have a professional clear the lines before the temperature plummets. This will remove water left in the pipes and ensure they get through the winter without freezing and breaking. If you fail to do this, you could face expensive repairs in the spring.

Prune Trees

LandscapingSnow and ice can weigh down branches and break them, so it’s critical to hire a professional to prune your trees and eliminate heavy or weak limbs. Work with an experienced tree service to avoid stunting the plants’ growth.

Plant for Spring

While it might seem counterintuitive, some plants grow best when you put seeds in the ground in the late fall or early winter. It helps seeds establish themselves in the soil before the growing season begins in earnest. Best of all, you will enjoy a better, more mature garden when warm weather returns.

Winter maintenance is the key to having a healthy landscape next year. Rather than trying to do all the work yourself, hire the landscaping experts at Wilson Garden Center Inc. Landscaping & Tree Service to get your yard ready. Their team will set you up for a successful growing season next spring and summer. Go online for more information about the business and call (513) 863-5831 to request an estimate for your project. Check their Facebook page for more advice from the garden center.
