
A septic inspection usually takes place before the purchase of a home and every few years during ownership. A potential buyer will request an evaluation to ensure a home’s system is in excellent working order. First Quality Environmental on Oahu provides waste management services island-wide and explains essential information about septic evaluations.

Who Performs Septic Inspections

Only licensed septic tank contractors should perform an inspection of your system. It’s critical for prospective home buyers to seek professionals who have experience with septic tank repair and related services so they can spot potential problems before they become severe. Keep in mind that most home inspections do not include an evaluation of the septic system, so you will need a specialist. If a home inspector says he will look at the septic tank, it probably will be only a visual examination. Arrange a complete assessment with a septic professional to ensure that your system is trouble-free.  

What Septic Tank Contractors Look for

Septic inspectionThe first step in a septic inspection is locating the tank. A contractor then will remove the cover and look inside to determine when it last was pumped. He will also gauge the sludge level with specialized equipment to ensure the system is processing waste optimally. After ensuring your tank and drain field are in good condition and aren't expelling waste into the ground, he will check the distribution box to verify the drain lines are clear.

The septic professional also will note whether the system meets area standards and restrictions. He will determine if it is installed far enough from nearby water sources and is large enough to accommodate the size of the home and number of occupants.

A septic inspection will reveal whether a home’s waste disposal system is performing correctly or needs tank repairs, helping would-be buyers make an informed decision. If they purchase the home, regular inspections, pumping, and maintenance will ensure the system provides proper waste disposal.

If you’re seeking a thorough and reliable septic inspection on Oahu, First Quality Environmental can provide the assistance you need. They are experts in waste management and will make sure your equipment is up to the job. Visit their website for an overview of their services and call (808) 259-0100 to discuss your needs with a member of their team.
