
You’ve heard dentists discuss the importance of regular teeth cleanings since childhood, but how much truth does the concept really hold? As it turns out, there are many reasons why dental professionals advocate this routine practice. Aside from compromising your teeth’s wellness, skipping cleanings can have many far-reaching health implications.

Here, Magnolia Dental in Waynesboro, VA, explains just a few reasons why they encourage patients to maintain their scheduled teeth cleanings:

  • Cavity Prevention: Even the best home care practices can’t make up for a lack of professional cleanings. Only the tools and procedures used by dental care experts can thoroughly remove stubborn, hard to reach plaque for cavity prevention.
  • Lowered Disease Risks: Due to factors like genetics and certain types of medications, some people are naturally predisposed to oral issues such as gum disease. Yet, regular cleanings can help limit these risks with effective, thorough gum and teeth cleaning to eliminate harmful, disease-causing buildup.

teeth cleaning

  • A Brighter Smile: By carefully scraping away surface plaque on your front teeth, hygienists can reveal a whiter, more vivid smile. They can also recommend additional teeth whitening treatments if you’re seeking even more powerful results.
  • Link to Overall Wellness: Did you know your gum health is also linked to cardiovascular wellness? The American Academy of Periodontology explains that the inflammation caused by periodontal disease could explain its connection to heart disease, so regular cleanings could even support heart health.
  • Early Detection: Examinations and cleanings go hand-in-hand. When you go in for a cleaning, dental experts are also looking for any early warning signs of serious oral health concerns, which are always best treated when detected in their earliest stages.

If you’re due for your next teeth cleaning, don’t wait to schedule your appointment with Magnolia Dental. Call (540) 943-2723 to schedule your visit, or submit an appointment request form through their website. You can also like the family dental care practice on Facebook for more updates.
