
If someone you love has an anxiety disorder, you may have already witnessed them having a panic attack. During these episodes, you might feel powerless and unable to offer any help. However, there are steps you can take to relieve their anxiety and calm them down. 

How to Help Someone With Anxiety During a Panic Attack

1. Remind Them It’s Temporary

Even though panic attacks might feel like the end of the world, they don’t last forever. Reminding your loved one of this fact can help lessen their anxiety. Say it gently, and promise you’ll stay until the feelings pass.

2. Share Some Deep Breathing Exercises

anxietyIf your friend or family member has panic attacks often, research some deep breathing exercises you can rely on the next time one occurs. Practice these techniques by yourself until you feel comfortable teaching them to your loved one in the throes of an anxiety attack.

3. Try to Engage Them

During an episode, try to draw your loved one’s attention away from the issue at-hand. For example, ask them to list objects in the room. Have them come up with four items they can touch, three they can hear, two that have a scent, and one they can taste. This will help refocus their attention on the present and help to end the panic attack. 


If you or someone you love suffers from panic attacks, turn to the compassionate team at Mental Health Association of Rochester/Monroe County in New York for help with various coping mechanisms from people who’ve had firsthand experience with anxiety. Learn more about the mental health support they provide to people with anxiety by visiting their website. To schedule a meeting with one of their caring staff members, give them a call today at (585) 325-3145.
