
If you plan to use a fireplace as a means of staying warm this winter, you might be wondering when the best time is for purchasing firewood. While answers tend to vary depending on who you ask, there’s no one better to weigh in than the experts from H & H Tree Service in New London, NC. Here, their team shares insights on the ideal time of year for purchasing your wood.      

Generally speaking, the sooner you can purchase your firewood, the better off you’ll be. This is because wood must be properly seasoned before it can burn. In other words, you should never put recently chopped logs in your fireplace. Newly felled trees are still “green,” meaning they contain high moisture levels. In fact, freshly-chopped wood contains roughly 50 percent water. When burned, this moisture allows creosote to build up in your flue, which can cause damage and increase risks of fire over time.

Wood typically needs at least 10 months to dry out before it’s considered fully seasoned. Thus, if you plan to source your own firewood, it’s a good idea to do so the year before you intend to burn it. However, piling wood too high can prevent the bottommost logs from drying out completely. Because drying out wood can be a cumbersome process, many homeowners opt to purchase ready-to-burn firewood from trusted local sources who have already allowed the wood to dry out completely.


Fully seasoned or “ready-to-burn” firewood should be purchased at least two months before you plan to burn it. This will give you ample time to stack it, and you’ll still be prepared should the temperature drop sooner than expected. Another option is to purchase semi-seasoned wood a few months before its intended use. Usually, this wood has been seasoned for about six months, so buy it in the summertime if you plan to use it before winter.

Because it’s impossible to tell in advance how long or cold the winter will be, it’s always a good idea to purchase firewood as early as you can. With a vast supply of wood, H & H Tree Service can provide your home with the kindling you need to last through the cool fall and winter months. To learn more, call (704) 463-0353 or visit the tree company online for additional information.  
