
Depending on the material, the average garage door lasts between 15 and 30 years with regular maintenance. Automatic garage door openers have a lifespan of 10 to 15 years. To ensure your door lasts for many years, there are some easy steps to take. With over 35 years of experience, the experts at Automatic Garage Door Repair Service in Monroe County, NY, share a few tips to keep it in optimum condition.

4 Ways to Care for Your Garage Door

1. Examine the Door

Pay close attention to the door. Water damage warps wood doors and causes the paint to peel and chip away. Rust attacks steel doors and degrades its strength. Wash the door with a mild detergent every few months and take time to inspect it for any visible problems.

2. Apply Lubrication

Garage DoorKeep hinges, latches, and springs lightly oiled. Lubricating the moving parts will prevent components from getting stuck or breaking. Check with your garage door contractor to ensure the job is performed thoroughly.

3. Replace Weatherstripping

Look out for cracks and tears in the rubber weather seal strip on the bottom of the door. The weatherstrip protects the home from cold weather, wind, rain, and even pests. You should replace the door seals immediately if they’re damaged or compromised.

4. Tighten Hardware

A garage door is typically raised up and down several times a day which adds up to over a thousand times per year. All that jostling loosens the hardware. If the brackets and bolts require tightening, a repair specialist will perform the necessary maintenance.

If you follow a few simple steps, it’s possible to keep the garage door in excellent condition. Contact Automatic Garage Door Repair Service in Rochester to help with maintenance and repairs. Whether you need emergency service or inspection, call (585) 663-1180 to speak with a member of their professional team. Visit the website for more information.
