
As soon as winter rolls around, many flower lovers understandably begin to miss vibrant summertime blooms. However, New York’s icy sidewalks and below-freezing temperatures needn’t prevent you from planting some wintry beauties in your garden or sending a stunning seasonal bouquet to your loved one. The expert florists from Laurel Grove Florist in Port Jervis have the perfect suggestions that will give your frosty winter days a burst of color. 

5 Florist-Approved Winter Blooms

1. Winter Aconite

Winter aconite is a bulb-plant that manages to bloom amid late-winter snows. The chipper yellow petals stand about six inches tall and add a surprising burst of sunshine to any space. 

2. Snowdrops

The dreamy snowdrop never ceases to bring winter cheer. These tiny, graceful flowers manage to push through layers of snow and ice to reveal their stunning bell-like blooms. They may poke their heads out as early as February and will prevail through the spring.

3. Winter Pansies

floristThese cheery flowers perform remarkably well in the winter months and are perfect for creating vibrant bed displays. From red-orange to deep purple, pansies add diverse splashes of color and interest that never disappoint. Plus, they can endure all the frost and snow that New York may bring. They can freeze solid and continue to thrive as the year goes on.

4. Lenten Rose

Also known as Christmas rose, the stunning helleborus always delights with its winter bloom. The evergreen-hued, robust leaves provide protection from winter mulch and snow, allowing the five-petal beauty to shine.

5. Winter Jasmine

Delicate, golden winter jasmine will look lovely without causing you any trouble all season long. If you want to introduce a low-maintenance pop of color to your backyard, this hearty bloom may be the right pick.


Whether you want to send stunning winter flowers to your loved one or plant some in your own backyard, Port Jervis’ trusted florist has you covered. Spread cheer all winter long when you head to Laurel Grove Florist. To learn more or place an order, call today at (845) 856-2713. You can also visit the flower company online
