
For some people, putting together a funeral plan is not a pressing matter. Realistically, no one knows how long they have on Earth. Should you pass unexpectedly, you wouldn’t want your loved ones to navigate added feelings of confusion and uncertainty during their time of grief. Quincy Memorials in Norfolk County, MA, assists clients with their pre-planning to avoid these instances. Before starting, they advise you to familiarize yourself with some useful information.  

Information to Include in a Funeral Plan 


Put in writing the people you would like to be notified immediately of your death. Include their phone numbers and, if applicable, email addresses.

Prepaid Information

If you put money toward a prepaid funeral, it should list the service type, and the company's name and contact information. The plan should have an account or reference number and the cemetery and burial plot number. Let a trusted family member or friend know where you keep this information. 

Preferred Resting Place

funeral plansIn cases when a prepaid funeral plan has not been made, document your final resting place. This can include a cremation, internment in a mausoleum, or a ground burial. Specify the name of your preferred cemetery or where you want your ashes to be scattered.

Funeral Service Type

Include what type of funeral service you desire. This can range from a traditional service, which may include a wake or a gravesite service. Indicate whether you prefer the viewing to take place at a funeral home, relative’s house, or place of worship.

Other Personal Preferences

Be sure to note other personal preferences such as whether you’d want donations to a charity in lieu of flowers. You can also expand on pallbearers, ceremony officiants, and any special affiliations, including military, lodge, or fraternity and sorority.

Creating a funeral plan doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. The supportive staff at Quincy Memorials has walked families through the process for over 60 years. To learn more about custom memorials and other funeral options, call (617) 471-0250 today. Visit their website for more information.
