
A well-functioning screen door allows you to view the outdoors while fresh air circulates inside and keeps pests out. As such, a damaged screen door can be a major inconvenience to a homeowner, making professional screen door repair a necessity. Find out everything you need to know about screen door repair below.

What Are the Signs of a Broken Screen Door?

Assess the damage by checking whether the door opens and closes with ease. If you feel some resistance, there’s a chance the frame has been bent and requires replacement. You can also inspect the hinges to see if they’re still in good shape. Rust and corrosion can make it difficult for spring doors to operate smoothly. Furthermore, you should be wary of missing parts or holes to determine whether a repair or replacement is warranted.

How to Fix a Broken Screen Door

The repair process varies screen door repairdepending on the severity of the damage. Missing parts can often be replaced without having to take down the entire door frame. However, if the damage is severe, it might have to be taken down before being worked on. This involves removing the spline that holds the screen in place and unscrewing all of the bolts and screws attached to the door. This is delicate and tedious work, so it’s best left to the capable hands of a professional.

How Much Does Screen Door Repair Cost?

The cost of screen door repair also varies depending on the damage. More often than not, hiring a professional to fix a screen door won’t cost over $100. However, the cost may go up depending on the type and size of the door. Talk to several contractors first, and ask for a quote before you decide who to hire.


If you need screen door repair or custom glass installation, call KKTF Hawaii at (808) 800-2230. This company has been providing expert residential and commercial door installation services in Waipahu, HI, for over 15 years. Visit their website today to keep tabs on their latest promotions and deals.
