
On average, an electric water heater is designed to last 10 to 15 years, and a gas water heater can last eight to 12 years with proper maintenance. However, there are steps you can take to make your appliance last longer, and they all focus on preventative maintenance. Below is a list of money-saving tips to help you protect your investment.

4 Easy Ways to Lengthen Your Water Heater’s Life Span

1. Check the Unit

Water HeaterInspect the area around the water heater frequently. Check the floor for puddles, and look for cracks in the unit or signs of rust. Keeping a watchful eye will allow you to catch problems early and prevent greater damage.

2. Replace the Anode Rod

The anode rod protects the water inside the storage tank by attracting corrosive chemicals that can cause the tank lining to rust. Have your plumbing contractor inspect the anode rod regularly and replace it before the tank has a chance to corrode. There is no set life span for an anode, but if your water heater is more than five years old, a yearly inspection will catch the rod before it completely corrodes.

3. Flush the Tank

At least once a year, it’s imperative to shut off the water valve and pilot light and flush your entire storage tank. This task will remove sediment build up, and is best performed by a professional plumber.

4. Check the Pressure Relief Valve

Open the valve manually to ensure it can open and close with ease. The tank could explode if pressure builds up, so check it on a regular basis to be safe.


Following a routine maintenance schedule will keep your water heater in good shape for years to come. Contact Glorieta Creek Mechanical in Santa Fe, NM, for detailed answers to your heating and cooling questions, or to schedule repairs. Call (505) 757-8872 to speak with a member of their team or visit them online for more information about their HVAC services.
