
The more care and attention you give your trees, the more likely they are to grow up full and healthy; this makes tree pruning essential. L & M Tree Service in Kalispell, MT, wants to help your canopy grow to its full potential, so they’ve assembled some facts for you about the benefits of tree pruning during the offseason. 

For those who want to keep their trees in top condition year-round, here are four benefits to pruning during fall and winter: 

  • Better Tree Strength: When you prune during the dormant seasons, it gives them the strength they need to weather the fall and winter. By removing damaged or dead branches before the cold snap, you’ll ensure they don’t break off during the winter and cause damage to your property. 
  • tree-pruningDisease Prevention: Another benefit of pruning during the dormant seasons is that doing so helps keep trees healthy. During the spring and summer, warmer temperatures can pave the way for disease-bearing insects or other issues, but, during the offseason, colder temperatures make diseases much less prevalent. Even if your trees do catch something during the colder months, it’s much easier for you to identify the problem when the branches are bare. 
  • Better Branching: Pruning during the dormant months will enable your trees to come back looking great during the springtime. Due to the lack of leaves on them during the fall and winter, it’s much easier for arborists to improve their branching patterns and direct future growth; this means, when they begin to bloom, they’ll be able to do so to their full potential. 
  • Efficient Pruning: Because the ground is harder and more compact during the fall and winter, it’s much easier for pruning professionals to maneuver their equipment around your property. Pruning can be completed much quicker because arborists will have fewer obstacles in their way, as well as easier access to your trees. 

If you want your arboretum to remain in great shape throughout the year, one of the best ways to do so is by hiring an expert for tree pruning during the dormant seasons. To learn more about their shaping and trimming services, contact L & M Tree Service today at (406) 261-7240, or visit them online to see what’s made them one of Kalispell’s most sought-after professional services. 
