
The plummeting temperatures of a Wisconsin winter are often accompanied by soaring heating bills. That’s why it’s critical that your furnace runs at optimum performance. Below are a few tips on what you can do to keep your house warm in these dangerously frigid temperatures.

How to Stay Warm in the Cold

1. Shut the Doors

Making your furnace work overtime to heat empty rooms is a quick way to drive up the utility bills. Instead, close the doors to unused spaces to focus heat on areas of the home you use regularly, and stop drafts from escaping the room by using a draft stopper.

2. Take Control With a Programmable Thermostat

furnaceA programmable thermostat gives you more control over the temperature of your home. Set the thermostat to a lower temperature when you’re away during the day and have it automatically adjust to a more comfortable setting before you return. A programmable thermostat not only takes away the frustration of forgetting to change the temperature yourself, but it also helps save on your heating costs. Let a local heating contractor perform the job to ensure a safe installation.

3. Plug the Fireplace

Stop cold air from entering your home through a leaky chimney by installing a fireplace plug. You can insert this inflatable device just below the damper. This easy DIY project will help keep the warm air in and the cold air out, decreasing the burden on your furnace.


A few extra steps in the winter can help significantly cut your heating bill and provide your home the warmth needed to keep your family comfortable. The professionals at Comfort Zone Donovan & Jorgenson in New Berlin, WI, have served the Milwaukee area since 1985. These local heating contractors have the expertise to keep your furnace operating at its best. Call (262) 968-4086 to schedule an appointment, and visit them online to learn more about their services.
