
While most wisdom teeth removal procedures are simple and straightforward, it can take up to a week to recover. Ed Struss Family Dentistry wants to help patients minimize their discomfort and risk of complications after having their wisdom teeth extracted. If you’re preparing for a procedure, this family dentist in Lexington, KY offers a few essential tips for a rapid recovery.

A Family Dentist’s Tips for Recovering From a Wisdom Teeth Extraction

1. Take Time Off Work or School

One of the most important things you can do to ensure a healthy recovery is to take three or four days away from work or school, so you can rest. Strenuous activities sometimes lead to complications and increased pain, but giving yourself time to relax and recuperate allows the body to heal.

2. Follow the Recommended Medication Schedule

Whether the dentist recommends using over-the-counter ibuprofen or prescribes a stronger pain reliever, it’s important to follow their dosage instructions. Taking these medications as directed minimizes discomfort, so you get the rest you need.

3. Beware of Excess Bleeding

family dentist Lexington KYSome patients experience bleeding for up to 24 hours after wisdom tooth surgery. Although the sight of blood might be alarming, it is normal. You can control the flow by packing the surgical site with gauze to encourage clotting.

4. Apply Ice

People often experience soreness, tenderness, and swelling after wisdom teeth extraction. While these sensations are uncomfortable, family dentists say they are a normal part of the healing process. Placing ice packs on the affected areas will help ease these symptoms and reduce inflammation.  

5. Defend Against Dry Sockets

Dry sockets occur when the blood clots that form in extraction sites become dislodged. This issue can increase recovery time by a few weeks. Your dentist will provide instructions for dry socket prevention, which may include eating soft foods, not smoking, and rinsing with salt water.

Recovering from wisdom teeth removal takes time, but you don’t have to do it alone. The team at Ed Struss Family Dentistry will provide digital dental X-rays to monitor your progress and provide comprehensive aftercare instructions to promote speedy healing. If you encounter a problem, this emergency dentist will get you back on the path to recovery. Visit the family dentist online to learn more about their services, and call (859) 278-7434 to schedule an appointment.  
