
If you've received a flower arrangement or bouquet of roses, you want to cherish the gift for as long as possible. To help you do that, Laurel Grove Florist in Port Jervis, NY, offers the following tips to keep your flowers healthy and in bloom for as long as possible. With just a bit of TLC, you can make your roses last for up to ten days or two weeks.

3 Ways You Can Make a Bouquet of Roses Last Longer

Place It Somewhere Safe

Roses don’t do well in direct sunlight, so keep your flower arrangement away from south-facing windows. They also can’t thrive under heat or drafts, so place them well away from any furnace vents or radiators. For the best results, find a cool, shaded spot away from open doors, windows, and heat sources.

Keep Bacteria at Bay

Roses in Port Jervis, NYTo prevent your roses from being devoured by destructive bacteria, clean the vase and cutting tools with a weak bleach solution to sterilize the items that come in contact with your flowers. Alcohol or vinegar will also work. Place the roses in distilled water, which is also free of bacteria.

Take Care of the Stems

The stems of your roses are the channel by which moisture reaches the leaves and petals, so be gentle with the stems to keep the flowers healthy for as long as possible. Don't pinch or bend them, and cut the ends at a 45-degree angle using a sharp, non-serrated tool; serrated blades can damage the stem. For the best results, make all cuts while the stems are under water, and transfer the rose immediately into a filled vase.

For the healthiest and most beautiful roses, order from Laurel Grove Florist in Port Jervis, NY. Visit their website today and select a flower arrangement or bouquet of roses you like, or call (845) 856-2713 to discuss your options with a friendly professional.
