
A functioning furnace plays an integral role in the comfort, safety, and efficiency of any residence. By heeding the warning signs of a failing unit, you can perform the furnace repairs needed to keep you and your family warm as the seasons change.

5 Signs You Need to Repair Your Furnace

1. Your Furnace Fluctuates in Temperature

If temperatures differ in each room of your house, your heating system likely needs HVAC repair. When a duct system loses the ability to regulate heat, a furnace cannot circulate warm air evenly throughout a house.

2. Your Furnace Is Noisy

A screeching, rumbling, or rattling sound means your heating system needs furnace repair. Some of the most common causes of a malfunctioning furnace include a broken belt, an outdated blower fan, an unstable lower motor, disconnected ductwork, or loose bearings.

3. Your Furnace Is Messy

furnace repairThe discharge of dust, dirt, or other debris signals the need for furnace repair. Often, an excess of carbon dioxide can cause a furnace to spew sediments that collect around its registers. Over time, this sooty spillage can dry out wood floors, furniture, painted walls, and houseplants. It can also affect the air quality in your home, causing irritated throats and dry eyes.

4. Your Energy Bill Is Increasing

Inspecting your monthly energy bill is another way to tell you need furnace repair. To operate properly, an old furnace must use much more energy than when it was new. Although a small increase in your monthly bill is expected due to the natural decline of a furnace, continually rising rates mean it’s time for heating repair.

5. Your Furnace Is 15 Years Old

Generally, furnaces last between 15 and 20 years. As they age, they become less efficient and prone to breakage. To maximize the efficiency of your home heating system, schedule a furnace inspection with a certified contractor. By replacing your thermostat or upgrading your duct system, you can maximize the life span of your heating unit.


For nearly 10 years, Combs Heating & Cooling has provided clients premium geothermal systems, energy-efficient heating installations, affordable air conditioner repairs, and 24/7 emergency HVAC services. Call (740) 772-2233 for a free estimate on any new heating and cooling system and like them on Facebook to learn more about the most reliable HVAC contractors in Chillicothe, Ohio.
