
Owning a self-storage unit can help you clean up your home, and with reduced clutter comes less stress. But as you’re organizing your house, you should also focus on keeping your storage unit tidy. If it simply becomes another cluttered spot to handle, it won’t be nearly as useful. Fortunately, it’s easy to stay ahead of this potential issue by following a few organization tips.

How to Maintain a Neat, Organized Self-Storage Unit

1. Choose the Right Size

storage facilitySelect a storage unit that’s sized just right for your possessions. A space too small may leave you struggling to find room for all of your items, while one too large simply wastes unneeded room and money. Take stock of the belongings you plan to store beforehand to avoid either scenario. Making a thorough list minimizes the chances of renting a unit of an inappropriate size.

2. Label Items Accordingly

Once you place your possessions in boxes for storage, label them appropriately. This makes it much easier to find what you need when you want to remove something from your storage unit. Label boxes by room or object. For example, “study” may refer to your books, or “dining” may include your small kitchen appliances.

3. Stack Boxes Properly

How you stack boxes is just as important as labeling them. Light boxes that are easy to move should always be placed on top of heavier ones. If you know you may require a heavy box at some point in the near future, keep it close to the front of the storage unit so you have easy access.

4. Maximize Your Space

Make use of every inch of that storage unit. If you have a bulky item, such as a mattress or a piece of furniture, place it flush against the wall at the back of the unit. You can store items like sofas vertically to create even more usable space. Fill up drawers in dressers or desks to maximize the use of empty spots.

5. Create a Pathway

Make a small pathway leading from the entry to the back of the storage unit so you can easily access anything without dismantling all of your hard work. If you have a larger self-storage space, it may be helpful to create a couple of aisles.


By taking some extra steps to organize, you can make the most of your space. Ship Creek Storage also makes it easy with a variety of unit sizes. Whether you’re seeking a spot to keep household goods or want to minimize clutter at home or work, you’ll find spaces ranging from 280 to 2,250 cubic feet at the Anchorage, AK, storage facility. Visit the company’s website or call (907) 276-4107 to learn more about your options.
