
As a motorcyclist, you’re especially vulnerable to sustaining serious injuries if you’re involved in a crash. Fortunately, you have the right to seek damages through a personal injury claim if the incident occurs due to someone else’s negligent actions. While it’s a stressful experience to be in a traffic accident, it’s crucial to stay calm and remember to follow a few steps immediately after the collision to increase your chances of maximizing compensation. 

4 Steps to Take After a Motorcycle Accident

Seek Medical Attention

personal injuryInternal injuries can be difficult to recognize on your own, and some symptoms don’t show up right away. Getting checked by a health care professional will not only ensure you get the treatment you need, but it will also support your personal injury claim.

Gather Evidence

If you are able to do so, take photos of all vehicles involved and the scene itself. Take down personal and insurance information from the other motorists, and get the testimony of witnesses who saw what happened. All of this will be essential in proving liability in your case.

Consult With a Personal Injury Lawyer

A personal injury lawyer will make sure you don’t settle for less than you’re entitled to and help you avoid saying the wrong thing to insurance adjustors or the other party’s legal representation. There is great potential to make errors that can hurt your case without the guidance of a lawyer.

Avoid Social Media

It’s also advised you refrain from talking about your accident or injuries on any social media platform. Insurance companies often look for anything they can use to discredit your claim. Even if you believe you’re making an innocent statement, it can be misconstrued to show inconsistency with your account of what occurred.


Whether you’re injured while driving or riding on a motorcycle, there’s a good chance you will be entitled to restitution for the damages you suffer as the result of another’s careless behavior. Taking the right steps after the accident will be key to achieving a favorable outcome on your personal injury claim. The lawyers at Best & Westover Law have extensive experience representing the residents of Kalispell, MT. They are equipped with all the knowledge and resources necessary to help clients get the full compensation they deserve. Contact them at (406) 752-8731, or visit their website for more information.  
