
Your sump pump is a finely tuned machine, draining your basement of groundwater and protecting your home from flooding. But if the pump is not serviced regularly, you could have extensive and costly repairs on your hands. That’s why the home water system specialists at Gary’s Pump Service in Danbury, CT, recommend homeowners perform annual maintenance.

Annual Maintenance

There are several tasks you should perform every year to keep your sump pump running at maximum efficiency:

  • Sump PumpInspect the Power Source: Is the pump receiving power? Is the cord connected to the device frayed or worn? Rectify any issues you encounter, but make sure you turn off the power source first. According to Gary’s Pump Service, the pump should also connect to a ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) to reduce the risk of electric shock.
  • Examine Drainage Pipes: Next, you’ll want to inspect the pipes that take water out of the system. The joints should connect tightly and drain into either the main sewage line or your yard. If your system does the latter, make sure the pipe points away from the foundation and avoids your home’s water table.
  • Fill the Basin: Lastly, fill the basin or pit with water. The sump pump should then start automatically. This final step demonstrates the device is working properly and that nothing has malfunctioned.
  • Clean the Grate: Remove the sump pump from the basin and clean the grate located beneath it. Any debris caught here could compromise the system and cause it to malfunction, so it should be washed regularly.
  • Remove All Other Debris: The grate isn’t the only place debris can build up on your system. If your model has an inlet opening, for example, it will also need to be washed. Also, don’t forget to identify the discharge pipe and remove any build up.

Whether you have trouble performing any of these tasks or you just need a second opinion, you can rely on Gary’s Pump Service to keep your sump pump in top condition. Call them at (203) 744-7826 to speak with a home water systems professional or visit their website to learn more.
