
Gum, or periodontal, disease is an infection of the tissues that hold your teeth in place. Caused by oral bacteria, these infections can occur if you don’t practice proper dental hygiene. Those who smoke or have chronic health conditions that lower immune system response are also at risk for the disease. While the problem can be reversed, The Dental Clinic at Stuttgart stresses that untreated gum disease is linked to tooth loss, heart disease, and other serious complications. As such, these Arkansas County, AR, dentists urge patients to seek out professional dental care if they notice the following warning signs of gum disease.  

5 Gum Disease Warning Signs That Require Dental Care

1. Bad Breath

If brushing your teeth and rinsing with mouthwash isn’t enough to keep bad breath at bay, you may be developing gum disease. Often, unpleasant mouth odors — also known as halitosis — are caused by a buildup of bacteria in the mouth, particularly when an infection is present.

2.  Visible Changes

One of the first signs you are experiencing the early stages of periodontal disease is a visible change in the gum tissue. For example, infections can trigger an inflammatory response that causes gums to become swollen or red. In other cases, gums may recede or bleed.

3. Sensitive Teeth  

dental careIf left untreated, the gum recession linked to periodontal disease can eventually expose the roots of the teeth. When dental nerves are no longer protected by the gums, you can experience a higher sensitivity when drinking hot or cold beverages, as well as eating sugary foods.

4. Yellow or White Discharge

When your body responds to an infection, dead cells can lead to an accumulation of a yellow-white substance known as pus. With periodontal disease, this discharge can form a pimple-like growth, or abscess, around or within the gums. If you notice this, visit a dentist to have the abscess drained and sterilized to keep the infection from spreading.   

5. Shifting Teeth

Your teeth can gradually shift out of position if your gums can’t hold them in place properly. As a result, people with advanced periodontal disease may experience severe misalignment that can affect their appearance and bite.

Should you notice these warning signs, see your dentist to stop the infection from spreading and causing other oral health problems. Providing complete periodontal and dental care services to patients in Arkansas County, the specialists at The Dental Clinic at Stuttgart will help prevent, diagnose, and treat gum disease. Check out their website for details on their approach to care, or call (870) 551-3836 to schedule an exam at their clinic.  
