
Until they get broken or damaged, many homeowners don’t give their windows a second thought. However, old, worn-out windows make your home much less comfortable, and significantly drive up your energy costs. 

Economy Glass & Window, Cincinnati’s expert window repair and glass replacement company, recommends checking your windows for the following signs, especially if they are more than 15 years old:

  • Single-paned glass. Many older homes still have their original single-pane windows, which do not really provide any thermal insulation at all. If the glass is freezing to the touch—especially if frost gathers on the inside—then it’s probably time for a window replacement.
  • Leaks. Air leaking around loose glass and weakened seals drives up your energy costs. Even worse, water could be seeping directly into your walls, encouraging mold and mildew growth. Holding a candle in front of the window can help you identify major sources of leaks.
  • Difficulty opening or closing. Old windows are generally more difficult to operate, and only become more so as they age. Windows that won’t open, or that are too hard for some members of your family to operate, are also a dangerous obstacle in the case of a fire.
  • Sun damage. Older windows also provide no protection against ultraviolet light, which bleaches the color out of your carpet, furniture, drapes, and other items in your home.

Modern windows are more than just panes of glass: they’re insulating, easy to maintain, and provide advanced levels of protection against the elements. Visit Economy Glass & Window online or call (513) 661-7748 for a free quote today.
