
With time and use, it’s not uncommon for furnaces to experience extensive wear issues and break down. When this happens, you need to decide if you want to fix the unit or replace it entirely. Below are a few signs you should skip the heating repairs and invest in a new furnace.

4 Signs Your Furnace Is Beyond Heating Repairs

1. System Age

Using a furnace past the recommended number of years puts it at greater risk of breaking down at any given time. As a general rule of thumb, it’s a good idea to replace your heating system if it has already served you for more than a decade. Older systems rely on less efficient mechanisms, which are likely to leave a significant dent on your pocketbook if you decide to fix them instead.

2. Frequent Repairs

heating repairDoes your furnace require more and more frequent restorations and heating repair services from a qualified professional? If so, consult a local contractor to find out if it would be more feasible to replace it with a newer design. Investing in a modern heating system often turns out to be more cost-effective in the long run.

3. Inefficient System Performance

Older furnace models have relatively low SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) ratings than their modern counterparts. If your heating system takes a significant amount of time to produce the desired level of warmth, it may be time to consider investing in a new one. Longer runtimes can add up to higher monthly energy costs, making heating system operation a drain on your budget.

4. Inadequate Heat Output

If your furnace is no longer keeping you comfortable in your home, consider buying a new one. In general, this problem occurs if the system is incorrectly sized in accordance with your property’s requirements. This can also happen if the system is past its prime.


For the most dependable heating repair solutions, turn to the experts at  Gray-based Baldwin Services. For nearly 30 years, these commercial heating experts have provided residents throughout central Georgia with exceptional services. Learn more by calling (478) 452-9499 or visiting their website.
