
Several plants and flowers can remain healthy even when exposed to Ohio’s fluctuating weather patterns. This means it’s possible to pepper your landscape with beautiful foliage throughout the year. The professionals at Northgate Greenhouses in Cincinnati have a few suggestions of what to place in your yard this fall to add color and texture to your space. 

Enhance Your Yard With These 3 Autumn Plants & Flowers

1. Ornamental Kale

If you want to add to a vegetable garden, consider planting ornamental kale. Although typically used as a garnish, the plant is edible. This species of kale is categorized as hearty, as it’s able to withstand the first frost without incident. Plus, with frilly green edges and a deep purple center, the plant will provide texture and color to outdoor spaces.  

2. Marigolds 

plantsIf fall is relatively mild, consider planting marigolds. Although commonly associated with hot summer weather, the flowers will last into fall if temperatures are mild. As a bonus, the yellow, gold, and orange petal hues are a classic autumn color palette. 

3. Sumac

If you want the beautiful yellows and reds of fall foliage to last through early winter, plant sumac on your property. The shrub is capable of thriving in a wide range of conditions, making it great for multi-seasonal planting. Expect to see red berry clusters throughout the season.

To browse a comprehensive array of annuals and perennials to plant this autumn, visit Northgate Greenhouses in Cincinnati. Beyond helping you navigate the inventory, the staff will provide tips to keep your garden looking great. To learn more about fall plants and flowers, visit the greenhouse online or call (513) 729-1134. Check them out on Facebook to see pictures of their selection. 
