
Here’s a lesser-known driving fact: work sites are some of the most dangerous places on the road. If you have to drive through a work zone, a different set of rules comes into play that you would be wise to obey. Work sites are constantly changing situations, so they’ll often have traffic controllers to direct traffic to safety. As a rule of thumb, follow their instructions, and you’ll be OK. Otherwise, pretend you’re driving in the snow. Do everything you normally would for safety plus a little extra. These sides are complicated, so if you get in an accident, be sure to seek an accident attorney.

Heightened Penalties in Work Zones

You’dAccident Attorney do well to obey these rules to the tee. In Nevada, speeding penalties are doubled in work sites. The speed limit usually changes when you enter a work zone, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for any signs. The Nevada Department of Transportation requires that drivers slow down and share the lane with bikes. Avoid passing them until they’ve pulled into the zone specifically meant for pull-outs. Failure to abide by any of these rules could result in a fine. To better understand work site driving laws, talk to an experienced accident attorney.

Dangers of Work Zones

The reason the penalties are so harsh because work zones are dangerous. The US Department of Transportation has reported that work zone crashes kill nearly three people every day. Work sites often involve limited space, debris, and complicated directions, which can result in confusion. If two drivers fail to correctly interpret a traffic controller’s directions, it can easily result in a crash. Insurance often has a difficult time sorting out blame for situations like these, so it’s often wise to seek an accident attorney.

Staying Safe

Nevada law includes a number of provisions for driving in work sites. In general, increase your following distance and drive slowly. Even if there’s no traffic controller or workers present at the site, it’s your responsibility to drive safely. When traffic is light and cars are moving, it’s better to merge early to give yourself space. If traffic is moving slower, you’re advised to merge later. Make sure you follow signs — construction signs are orange and black.

Work site accidents can cause injury, emotional distress, and property damage. If you’ve been involved in one, seek an accident attorney’s counsel to obtain your just compensation. For 196 years, Kidwell & Gallgher, LTD has fought for clients from Elko, NV, all the way down to Las Vegas. Their team will only charge you if they’re successful. Call them today at (775) 738-1000 or visit their website for a free consultation.
