
Getting locked out of your car while your key is inside is every driver's nightmare. But knowing what to do next can turn the situation from a major roadblock to a minor inconvenience. While you can always call a towing company and take advantage of their lockout service, there are other solutions you should also consider. 

Here’s some advice on what you can do if you lock your keys inside the car:   

  • Keep Calm & Check the Doors: The initial natural reaction to getting locked out is panic, but this won't help the situation. Instead, keep calm and check all the doors first. You don't want to call for roadside assistance only to discover that one door is unlocked.     

  • Use a Spare Key: Always keep an extra key stashed in your wallet or bag in the event of a lockout. You can also entrust the key to someone who's dependable and willing to drive over and rescue you. Another option is to purchase a tiny magnetic box, place the spare key inside, and place it on the car's underside.  

  • Call the Police: Your safety should always come first. Call a nonemergency police line if you lock yourself out of your car in an area where you feel unsafe. Police responders can help you unlock your door. If they can't, they will probably refer you to a trustworthy towing service.

  • lockoutDial Roadside Assistance:  It’s always a good idea to have the number of a reliable towing company or roadside assistance saved in your mobile phone. If push comes to shove, give them a call, as many of these services also have auto lockout service, which can help you regain access to your vehicle on the spot.   


Experiencing problems on the road? Northgate Towing will rush to save you any time of day. Cincinnati's most reliable towing company offers unmatched roadside assistance, jump-starts, and lockout service. You can call (513) 825-8036 at any point, or you can also check out their website to learn more about their services.
