
If you have noticed that you look tired all the time, but sleep deprivation is not to blame, you may be wondering how to combat droopy eyelids and dark bags. Fortunately, there are several cosmetic procedures that can help, but they are not necessarily for everyone.

For example, you may not like the idea of undergoing eyelid surgery, and you might be looking for something less invasive. If that is the case, you may be a good candidate for Botox®. Below, the friendly team at Medical Eye Center in Columbia, MD, explains how you can treat droopy eyelids without surgery:

How to Treat Droopy Eyelids With Botox

A Nonsurgical Approach

botoxBotox can be an effective nonsurgical approach for treating hooded eyes in certain patients. This cosmetic procedure prevents fine lines and wrinkles by relaxing specific muscles in the face. If you have hooded eyes as the result of a low eyebrow position or drooping brow, strategically placed Botox injections can lift the tail of each eyebrow. This will serve to elevate each brow in a subtle way, lifting the upper eyelid in the process.

How It Works

If you want to treat droopy eyelids with Botox, your doctor will inject a small amount into the lower forehead and near the outer tail of each eyebrow. This will effectively immobilize the muscle responsible for sagging brows without harming the elevator muscles, which are responsible for raising the brow. Applying Botox in such a way that it tightens the lower forehead muscles and raises the brows a couple millimeters is all you need to look more alert and vibrant if you have droopy brows.

Unfortunately, if your droopy eyelids are the result of excess skin or a significantly sagging brow, Botox will not produce the results you want. In such a scenario, eyelid surgery will be the more effective approach. In either case, though, you can rely on Medical Eye Center in Columbia, MD, for quality care. To learn more about the cosmetic procedures they offer, check out their website. You can make an eye appointment by calling (410) 997-9900. 
