
If you’re missing one or a few teeth, dental implants are an excellent way to restore your smile and improve your overall dental health. But how do you know if this treatment is the best option for you? In Manchester, CT, Dr. Tris J. Carta and the rest of his skilled dental staff can address this and many other questions related to dental health.

FAQs About Dental Implants Answered

What Are Dental Implants?

Unlike dentures or bridges, dental implants offer a permanent solution to tooth loss. Implants are composed of two main components—using a mold of the patient’s current tooth, an artificial tooth is rendered and affixed with a replacement root. In many cases, implants can last for a number of years, or even a lifetime with proper dental hygiene.

How Do I Know If I’m a Good Candidate?

dental implantsThere are a few things your dentist will take into account to determine whether you are a good candidate for implants. First and foremost, a healthy jaw bone is essential to your eligibility. The root will need to fuse with the bone to form a strong base, and this requires healthy bone. Your overall health should also be sound to guard against issues like infection. Your dentist can offer more insight into the procedure.

What Are Some Benefits?

If you are a good candidate for implants, you’ll enjoy many advantages. For instance, your speech will improve, as will your ability to eat certain foods. You’ll also enjoy an improved appearance, which can greatly boost self-confidence. Implants are also a lot more convenient than dentures, another tooth replacement option.

If you think dental implants might be right for you, Dr. Tris J. Carta provides the facts you need to make an informed decision about your dental health. Schedule an appointment in Manchester today by calling (860) 646­-2251. If you’d like more information on dental implants, feel free to visit this general dentist online.
