
Prior to 2014, the American Dental Association recommended that parents wait until a child is two years of age before using toothpaste to clean their teeth. Now, they changed the guidelines, suggesting that parents use a smear of toothpaste to clean the first tooth as soon as it erupts. If you’re not a dental care professional, this may worry you. Is fluoride safe for children now?

Using Fluoride for Your Child’s Dental Care Routine

Essential Information

Fluoride is a substance that strengthens teeth. Specifically, it rebuilds weakened enamel, which plays an essential role in creating a barrier between a patient’s dental tissue and the kinds of substances that can cause decay. Thus, it’s useful in preventing decay. In fact, most developed nations have already incorporated fluoride into their municipal water supplies. 

Dental-Care-Cincinnati-OHHowever, due to the change in ADA guidelines, some parents wonder if fluoride is actually safe for a child. Overexposure to fluoride can result in cognitive issues later in life, like ADHD. That said, many people misunderstand just how much fluoride a person must ingest for this to happen. When you visit your child’s dentist office, ask them to demonstrate how much you can safely use. They’ll make sure you get the right information.

Why the Guidelines Changed

New research on cavities in children resulted in the ADA’s changed position. They found that many children were developing substantial amounts of cavities at very young ages. This fact, coupled with their understanding of fluoride, caused them to encourage parents to start applying toothpaste at a younger age.

Fluoride has many benefits for both children and adults. Toothpaste reduces cavities in kids’ teeth and helps strengthen the enamel. Your child can start using fluoride toothpaste as soon as the first tooth appears. At first, you’ll want to start with a tiny drop; once your child is three years old, you can use a pea-sized amount.


Looking for pediatric dental care in the Cincinnati, OH, area? Schedule an appointment at Lowitz & Meier, offering family dentistry services to patients throughout the area for 30 years and counting. They’ll offer the treatment your child needs. Contact them online for more information, or call (513) 521-8900.
