
When you’re purchasing a new septic tank for your home, you probably take a number of factors into account, such as price. But are you aware you also need to choose the right size? Here’s a simple guide to help you purchase the right-sized septic system for your home. 

Guide to Septic Tank Sizing

Requirements Based on Volume of Daily Wastewater

One way to determine the ideal size of your septic tank is by considering how much wastewater is produced by your family on a daily basis. In most areas, the required volume minimum for a conventional tank is 1,000 gallons, which is ideal for an average sewage wastewater flow of around 500 gallons. However, if you anticipate your household will produce more or less wastewater than the standard, a quick calculation will help you determine the size your septic tank should be to handle the load. For instance, if your anticipated average wastewater flow is between 601 to 700 gallons daily, your septic tank should hold a minimum of 1,200 gallons. 

Requirements Based on Bedrooms & Square Footage

septic tankCounting the bedrooms and the square footage of your home is another method to help determine what size septic tank you should install. For many homeowners, this is easier than calculating the anticipated wastewater flow. If you have one or two bedrooms in a home that is less than 1,500-square-feet, you need a tank that has a 750-gallon capacity. However, a six-bedroom home with less than 5,500 square feet would need a larger septic tank with the capacity to hold 1,315 gallons. Families that fall in the middle of the bedroom quantity or square footage could safely use a tank with a capacity of either the standard 1,000 or 1,250 gallons.


If you’re located near Lake Oconee, Lake Sinclair, or the surrounding areas and would like more information about septic tank sizes, repairs, maintenance, or pumping, you can trust the state-certified professionals at Martin’s Septic Service to answer all your inquiries. Based in Milledgeville, GA, the team has spent over 15 years helping residents solve all their septic system problems. Call them today at (478) 452-8272, or visit them online.
