
A chimney is an important part of your home’s safety. It ventilates your house and ensures proper operation of your fireplace, stove, boiler, or heating system. It’s important to keep an eye out for chimney problems that could affect this air flow. Below, The Chimney Sweep a trusted company in Kernersville, NC, since 1980, shares three signs you may need repairs.

3 Chimney Problems That Require Prompt Repair

1. Debris in the Fireplace

The flue is an integral part of your chimney, facilitating the movement of air outside your home. Flues are often made of tiles or bricks and mortar, all of which can break down over time. If you notice your fireplace has pieces of the flue in it, you likely need a professional to replace and reseal the material.

2. Joint Issues

chimney problemsThere is a joint where your chimney meets the roof. Hire an expert to inspect this area every season and ensure it is in good shape. If the mortar is chipping or otherwise eroding, the chimney can let moisture, heat, and cold into your home. It also puts the structure at a higher risk of collapsing.

3. Rust

The presence of rust indicates moisture. If you notice your damper or firebox is getting rusty, your flue isn’t properly sealed. This chimney problem could require a new flue lining installation or a complete re-bricking to keep out moisture and prevent further damage.

Don’t let any of these issues go unaddressed. Call The Chimney Sweep today at (336) 993-8999 to schedule an inspection and repair. The family-owned business was created by a former firefighter and Battalion Chief who knows how to mitigate fire danger. Visit their website for information on their inspections, repairs, and maintenance services.
