
A healthy smile is a beautiful smile, but maintaining those pearly whites takes work. If it has been more than six months since your last professional cleaning, make an appointment as soon as possible so a dentist can get your oral health back on track. Of course, after achieving a beautiful smile, there are essential steps you need to take to maintain it. The friendly team at Kaimuki Dental Group in Honolulu, HI, shares just a few of them below.

3 Tips for Maintaining a Healthy & Beautiful Smile From a Leading Dentist

1. Floss Daily

Most people are fairly good about brushing twice a day, but it is easy to skip flossing. Flossing is essential for maintaining a healthy mouth because it removes plaque the brush’s bristles cannot reach. Make it part of your daily routine every morning or night for optimum oral health.

2. Kick the Habit

dentistIf you’re a smoker, your overall well-being is threatened every time you light up. This includes your oral health. Smoking inhibits blood flow in the mouth, which can lead to gum recession and periodontal disease. It also stains smiles, which may require professional teeth whitening to reverse.

3. Eat a Balanced Diet

A diet high in sugar or low in nutrients will promote decay and ultimately hurt your oral health over time. For example, if you have a calcium deficiency, it can make your teeth more susceptible to chips, cracks, and fractures. Aside from dairy products, foods high in calcium include broccoli, kale, figs, salmon, tofu, almonds, and oranges.

If you are still unhappy with some aspect of your smile after following all of the above, a dentist from Kaimuki Dental Group will be happy to discuss cosmetic or restorative dentistry options. To learn more about the services they provide, visit their website, or make a dentist appointment in Honolulu, HI, by calling (808) 737-7905.
