
No matter how warm or cold the weather, residential HVACs are designed to serve homeowners throughout the year. However, their constant use also results in higher monthly energy expenses. The good news is, there are ways to increase their energy efficiency and reduce your utility costs considerably—without ever sacrificing your comfort. 

How to Increase Your HVAC’s Energy Efficiency

1. Replace Older Models

If your HVAC is more than 10 years old, consider replacing it with a new one. Newer heating and cooling systems offer a higher seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) rating than their older counterparts, and they can help save you a significant amount on monthly electric bills. For unmatched energy conservation, experts recommend investing in Energy Star®-rated products.

2. Ensure Regular Maintenance Services

Residential HVACScheduled maintenance and tune-up services help pinpoint and address any repair issues that cause your system to consume more energy than usual. Get in touch with a local contractor to take a look at the system and fix any lingering problems. Lack of proper upkeep affects your air conditioner’s cooling output and makes it work harder to attain the set temperature. This doesn’t just wear the system out much faster, but it also results in higher fuel waste and carbon footprint.

3. Replace Air Filters

Residential HVACs use filters to cleanse the air of common allergens and disease-causing bacteria. However, frequent use leaves them clogged and blocks the flow of air around the house. This can also lead to faster system wear and tear and negatively impact its energy consumption. Replacing the filters not only helps maintain a hygienic indoor environment, but it also improves your HVAC’s efficiency significantly.


An efficient residential HVAC helps save on energy costs and contributes to environmental preservation by producing a lower carbon footprint. To get these results, turn to Concord Heating & Air Conditioning for effective repair and maintenance. Their contractors have provided expert solutions to local residents in Concord, NC, since 1977. Learn more about their services by visiting their website, or schedule an appointment by calling (704) 786-6608 today.
