
Temperatures will cool down as fall prepares for winter, but it’s also not uncommon for temperatures to fluctuate as the seasons change. One day might require heat while the next calls for air conditioning. Frequently turning the heat or AC off and on can quickly raise your utility costs and wear out your system, so the heating and air conditioning specialists at Mill Creek Heating in Turner, OR, compiled this list of tips to help you deal with fluctuating temperatures this fall.

3 Ways to Beat Fluctuating Temperatures

1. Use Your Curtains

Natural sunlight is a great way to naturally heat your home without having to rely on a heating and air conditioning system. Open your curtains during the day to warm your home, and close them at night to reduce any chill in the air.

2. Adjust Your Thermostat

heating and air conditioningA programmable thermostat is your best tool against frequently changing temperatures. When you’re home and awake, it should be set as low as comfortable, but when you’re asleep or not home, turning it back approximately 10 degrees can save you 10% on your utility costs.

3. Seal Air Leaks

Air leaks are commonly found in unfinished spaces, around the holes for pipes and recessed lights, around old windows, and gaps around chimneys. A home energy auditor can easily detect air leaks for you, or you can identify drafts by hand. Seal any leaks you find with caulk or weatherstripping, both of which can be found at your local hardware store.

If you need an upgrade or a seasonal tuneup for your heating and air conditioning system before winter, Mill Creek Heating has almost 15 years of experience in installing and servicing reliable, energy-efficient equipment. Call (503) 749-1000 to schedule a free consultation for a replacement, or visit their website to learn more about their repair and maintenance services.
